Critically discuss the ways in which the personality of a leader might affect employee turnover.

The personality of a leader can impact employee turnover in many ways, with the main impact being that employee turnover is likely to be high if employees do not gel with their leader, and a hostile working environment is formed. Employee turnover is the rate at which employees leave and are replaced by new employees. "Leadership is influencing others to understand and agree what needs to be done and how to do it" (Yuki
, 2010). There are many ideologies as to what leadership should look like, and
how leadership theory relates to employee turnover. Another impact on employee turnover is likely to be motivation of the employees, as when workers are de-motivateddemotivated they are more likely to leave their jobjobs. A survey by B2B Marketplace Approved Index stated that out of 1,374 employees in the United Kingdom, 42% of them have left a job because of a bad boss and a third of them feel their current boss is a bad manager (Forbes, 2015).
There are 2 theories of personality, the idiographic and the nomothetic approach. Idiographic approaches claim that individuals are unique,
adjustsadjust over time and cannot be measured; however, the nomothetic approach is fixed and stable and can also be measured to make predictions. Both approaches can be simplified down to the nature versus nurture argument, with the idiographic approach supporting nurture as personality can change over time and is dependent on the environment, with nomothetic supporting
nature as it is what is in your hereditary.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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