The set up of energy performance indicators is one of the key elements of energy planning according to ISO50001. Hospitals are typical cases of multi-outputs systems whose thewhose energy performance is commonly analyzed as a single output system expressed in area (m2) or bed capacity. This paper evaluates partially the energy performance of a Moroccan hospital using an alternative energy performance indicator: IEB. The IEB has the mathematical form of an electrical efficiency with following characteristics: dimensionless, limited threshold value to 1, and increasing when energy consumption decreases. The operating mode of IEB is exposed by benchmarking temporally 5 departments viz., radiology, hemodialysis, laboratory, maternity, and surgery. The study was representative albeit the restricted number of departments evaluated. The results expose some interesting characteristics of the IEB compared to other indicators, not the least of which is the ease of interpretation and relevance in assessing hospitals energy performance as well as other multi-outputs systems.
The fluidity of IEB calculation can be of a great help in assessing hospitals as well as multi-outputs
–and- and even single output - industrial and tertiary systems.
The results
showsshow that the IEB gives a good insight about a system energy performance evolution if it is properly applied. It is well suited to hospitals and other multi-outputs systems albeit it was simulated for internal benchmarking of a few departments. The IEB enlightens by the way the benefit of a process-oriented decomposition as it links energy consumption to its main purpose: system output or production. In our understanding, it is more relevant compared to energy intensity based on output unit expressed in area (m2) or bed capacity.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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