Good afternoon,
I am Alicia Pablo (17-year-old). I am writing this email to address one of my major problems at the moment, indecision in relation to my superior studies. I
amhave been a very big fan of Red Bull in Formula 1 since I was young, and would be thrilled to be able to work in the motor industry in a shortthe future.

that I did not start pursuing my career as a driver when I was 8, (since I was never too good at go-karting) and I do not think I will be rich enough to buy a team any time soon, I wasam considering to studystudying two branches that can be related to the amazing world of fast cars. By this I mean, I wasam thinking of studying something like: engineeringEngineering or business managementBusiness Management. I have been working very hard in order to succeed in my study lifestudies, but as with any teenager, deciding isdecisions are not my thing.

The thing is,
that I do not exactly understand what a mechanical engineer really does. I do know that they fix the car, study the data, and try to make a strategy; but as someone who has never been able to get ininside a car factory, this is confusing to understand.

This is why I am writing this letter
,. I wanted to know if I could receive any information about your (mechanical/aeronautical) engineers’ real jobengineering jobs, such as theira typical day at the factory and theirthe normal chores before/during a race weekend. I understand most of this information is confidential, and I am obviously not asking for any critical or secret information, I simply wanted to know if I could deal with a job like that, and would enjoy that life.

I would be very thankful
if I receivedto receive a response to this email.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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