Speaking on what provoked Devin to misbehave in such a mattermanner on Tuesday and Thursday is the fact that he does not like art in which he communicated that to me on both days. On Tuesday I attended the art class with the students minus Devin and Michael because their bus had not arrived. When Devin arrived, there was a sheet of paper and the material that he needed for the assignment at the table where he chose to sit. Ms. LeJean gave the instructions to the students, and everyone followed them except Devin. Ms. LeJean offered Devin an alternate activity since he was not interested in the activity that she had prepared. Devin did not want to do take part in either of the options Ms. LeJean had given him. He then looked around the room and saw beads, or something toof that nature, and he asked if he could use them. Ms. LeJean atomicallyautomatically said "NONo," and Devin got upset and began pounding the table with hison the desk. I went over to him and asked him if he wanted to go for a walk, take a break, and go to the class. He said no to every choice that I had given him and continuescontinued to pound on the desk, and I at once gathergathered all the other students and took them out of the classroom.
As for Thursday, I did not go with the students to art class but
atfor the last part, I did. When I entered, I sat beside Devin where he had a picture in front of him showing me what he had made for his mother.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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