It is 2020 and social media has literally taken over our entire world. At the tips of all of our fingers, we have thehave access to more than just the unlimited amounts of information, but unlimited connections with other millions and millions of human beings. With the rise of this social media and new technology comes incredibly good societal changes, like the ability for citizens of Africa to hear about what is happening to citizens of Europe within moments atand at the very touch of a screen.
The unprecedented level of connectedness via social media is a truly mind-blowing development, but with it
also comes new, potentially evil, advances, the most notable of which is the concept of a “like”. Be it Facebook’s “like”, Instagram’s “heart”, or Twitter’s “favorite”, almost every form of relevant social media provides a method for one person to validate another person with the simple click of a button or tap of a phone screen. (Yes, I know people use tablets too, but I’m not one of them.) On the other hand, it also provides a way for one user to invalidate another by choosing not to click said "button". Born of social media’s inherently “social” nature, the development of the concept of a “like” as communication between two people has dramatically changed the way individuals view themselves and see each other. It has literally changed the entire world.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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