Dear Mr. McGraw,

On April 19, 2016, Harvey Haddix and Ryan Duran from the Health Department conducted an inspection
Ofof the Elmwood Mobile Home Park Wastewater Treatment Facility. The purpose was to assess Compliancecompliance with the state’s Clean Water Law, Clean Water Commission regulations, and your facility’s Planplan for pollution control. The inspection also would allow the state to promote proper operation of Wastewater Facilities. Andand to provide technical assistance werewhere needed to the Elmwood Mobile Homes Management.

Though the Elmwood Mobile Home pollution control plan had expired in 2015, a consent judgment was
Issuedissued by the state’s Attorney GeneralsGeneral Office. The county court stipulated a timeline for correction by Connectionconnection to an available sewer system. Your mobile home park’s wastewater system has continually Dischargeddischarged to the Little Osage River. A copy of the abatement order, which requires that monthly DMR’s BeDMRs be submitted by the 28th of the month following the reporting periods, is attached. All DMR’sDMRs for the Previousprevious twelve months have been received, reported. Reported pollution parameters are not within limits. Due to Thethe plant’s performance. The, the stream was placed on the 2014 303 (d) stream for impairment by the Elmwood Mobile Home.

As part of the inspection, a review of the facility’s discharge monitoring report was conducted.
24 hour Composite24-hour composite samples were collected using a composite sampler. Attached are the results of the 24 hour Composite24-hour composite samples collected on April 20”20th, 2016. Every one of the problems documented is an infraction, Andand it must be addressed.

Within 30 days of receipt of this letter, please submit to the Health Department written documentation
Describingdescribing steps taken to correct each of the concern’sconcerns identified in the attachments, also. Also include Engineeringengineering reports, and submit a time frame to eliminate the problems. Thank you for your cooperation.


Harvey Haddix

Harvey Haddix

Environmental Manager

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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