MyselfI and my son came to view your school last week.
I wanted to give you a little feedback on the tour and also hope that you could answer a few questions that are still concerning me.
Firstly, I understand the
spending withof the money the school will receive from the sale of part of the field was decided before you started your role at The Hayling College, and it sounds amazing whathow you will benefit from it, but what about the pupils that aren't sport orientated? What does the school have, or what do you have in mind to encourage those wanting to go down the technology, music, construction, engineering, or academic route?
I hear the maths department is improving already
, which is great.
The next year 7's are a very large year group
,. I was part of a year group of very similar size throughout my secondary school years and felt the ones thatwho wanted to achieve did well, and the ones thatwho needed that bit of extra support got that support, but. But the ones thatwho were, what you could call, average but could have done better if they received that encouragement and that push, they kind of got left to 'plod along'. How could you make sure that won't happen?
Also, when we came to the tour last week, two students had said they would like to see the science and maths departments,
but we didn't see those as waswe were taken through the technology department, through to the outside and on to the drama and music rooms.
We sort of felt we didn't see many pupils or
the much of the school in action. One parent said as we came away they felt like the pupils were being hidhidden away.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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