Hello DrDoctor,
I hope you are doing very well.
I am writing this email to you after a long time of reflection. I would like to let you know about a few issues that are facing me and hope you
can help me.
First of all, I
findhave some difficulty in understanding the lessons and the explanation during the virtual sessions because you speak English all the time and I am unable to follow you easily because I have to stop and translate many words to make sure that I am understanding everything. soCan you please can advise me and come up with a site where I can improve my language at home?
secondlySecondly, I have a big problem joining the online sessions because of technical problems which preventsprevent me from acting and reacting with you and with my colleagues during the lessons and also missing it, so I ask you if it is possible to record the sessions so I can catch up on what I missed, if you don't mind. mind?
finallyFinally, I never succeed to puthave succeeded in putting my homework in the form of a googleGoogle document because my computer is a bit old and does not support this newsformat, so it's difficult to do like that, is ituse it. May I be allowed to me to upload it as a “word”“Word” form until I buy a new computer, for 2two more weeks only?
Thank you in advance and sorry for
brotheringbothering you.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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