To explore the nuances of the family ties of Albie and his father from Tim Winton’s short story ‘A Blow A Kiss’ - I have written a creative piece from the perspective of Albie’s father. This first-person perspective enables the reader to experience the protagonist’s thoughts and emotions. Winton's fictional piece mirrored moments in my own life, primarily through my father and I balancing work and education commitments. These experiences have shaped my written perspective.

Winton depicts two diverse father roles: one is supportive, and the other is abusive. I created this piece to help youths who have difficulty connecting with their fathers to understand that this is a common struggle. I also wanted to expose the horrors of Wilf Beacon’s cruel ways to help deter the reader from using and accepting violence in society. Furthermore, I intended to highlight Albie’s father’s morality by using “violence” for good. This allows the reader to experience Albie’s growth from childhood, when he required his Tilley lamp for “security,” to adulthood, when he fearlessly conducts a violent act right. Unlike Wilf Beacon, Albie’s father exhibits love without violence.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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