Jesus Christ is the son of god heGod. He is the Jewish messiah prophesied in the holy bible. without aWithout an open mind and belief in faith, which cannot be seen, Jesus Christ to many people dodoes not exist. You have to bend your mind to the will of godGod and come into hisHis alignment of thoughts. To believe something that cannot be seen takes a lot of will power. Always, always staying optimistic to possibilities. He created the earth by speaking it into existence. We have to know that we arrived on earth from a starting point. GodsGod's mission is for all to come to one agreement on how mankind should live. God never had nothing but the best for hisHis creations. To walk in obedience to even ourselves at how we are to treat one another. To give people the understanding of the ways of God and to learn how to love with eternal hope. His mission was to save the souls that waswere lost and fulfill all of hisHis plans. Once sin entered the earth through disobedience of man and woman, godsGod's plan was ruined. Only through allowing hisHis son Jesus to be crucified would godsGod's plan go forth and be fulfilled.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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