Human bladder cancer (BCa) is one of the most common cancer types in humans. It is the 6th most common malignancy in men and the 10th most common tumor type worldwide. BCa is the cause of a high number of mortalities, and BCait is related to high health care costs. For human BCa, the diagnostic gold standard is based on cystoscopy. However, this is invasive, bears a certain health risk, and is related to relatively high costs. Alternatively, cytological evaluation is non-invasive and provides specific information, but it seems to fail to detect low-grade BCa sensitively enough. Several non-invasive molecular tumor tests have been developed to improve the sensitivity of UC but Nonenone of these markers have been accepted for diagnosis or follow-up in routine practice or clinical guidelines. The goal of this investigation is designing ofto design a non-invasive test based on the expression profile of genes in urine for screening BCa in humanhumans.

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