Dear grandpa Grandpa,

youYou have been my best friend since the beginning ,; you taught me from the good to the bad. youYou have never gavegiven up on me through the most hardest times. i’mI’m so thankful that iI had you as a grandfather, butand not only a grandpa but a second dad. youYou have raised me &and made me into a better version of myself. i’llI’ll always cherish the memories I’ll haveI’ve had with you. youYou always turned my frounfrown into a smile, you never failed to make me laugh. iI used to get annoyed when people would only know me as “the barbersbarber's granddaughter” or “smitty’s granddaughter “ which now, looking back at that, that was pretty cool. iI love it when people come up to me. you’reYou’re special to me and always will be; that’llthat will never change.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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