AHR is a TSE wide launch which impacts multiple functions and metrics like account enforcements, listing appeal rate, accountand account appeal rate. It will be helpful if we can have a well-defined project scope and goal setting with an actionalactionable roadmap for this initiative. I would like to have littlea bit more clarity as to whether within the current bandwidth availability , we are planning to analyze the impact for any particular launch, or if all of the upcoming launches for entirethe entirety of 2022, as each launch would have its own impact on the seller behavior. Additionally, AHR would also impact ABP , POE , RA and RP differently, with each program, having it own complexity and funnel schema scheme, it will betake a considerable effort to understand the impact for every program.

It will be helpful if we are adopting a clear vision and an agreement on the outcomes of the project with a reasonable project timeline. We can discuss
on these points onat our next internal STAR meeting, and trawl through ana detailed plan charting project milestones and objectives.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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