Deductive reasoning is a form of logical thinking that useduses a general inclusive statement to forecast specific results, while inductive reasoning isreasoning's aim is to observe, discover, and explore descriptively.

Deductive reasoning is based on hypothesis which begins with
a specific problem or solution that can be tested if a question arises, while inductive reasoning is based ofon theory development.

Deductive reasoning uses a pattern of thinking to move in
the opposite direction with a form of logical thinking that believes in general principles of law to forecast a specific result, while inductive reasoning uses observations to arrive at a general conclusion.

The boundaries between
thisthese two formforms of reasoning are obscureobscured by all scientific endeavors that tried both techniques.
Example: all cats are animals, and Jerry is a cat, therefore Jerry is an animal.
For deductive reasoning to be effective, and sound, the hypothesis must be correct.
It is
assumeassumed on the premise that all catcats are animals, and Jerry is a cat, are true.

For inductive reasoning to be sound it has
been said fromby our OpenstaxOpenStax college that it is the opposite of deductive reasoning; for example, Jerry is a cat, and Jerry is white. Therefore all catcats are white.
The conclusion does not follow
the logically from the statement.


The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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