What are the main causes of rising juvenile crime?
For theThe word “crime” contains a lot of componentcomponents. This term dodoes not tell us what happened and, why did it happenedsomething happened, and what is, in the case of young people, is particularly important. The most common reason why crimes committed by juvenile increasejuveniles are increasing is the influence of the environment in which they live, and social media.
First of all, I think that our childhood describes us as adults. Family is
athe first environment with whom we are meetinghas great influence on who we become. They are under a duty to raisedraise us to be a decent people. When it does not happened andhappen, we see violence, vulgarity, crime,. The mind of a child which growwho grows up in world like this cannot distinguish between right from wrong. They behave like their environment. There isare millions of reasons why a family would commit a crime. Sometimes out of poverty and sometimes just for “easy money”, especially these days when world struggles with crisiscrises caused by a pandemic, where prices are higher. Juvenile which sawJuveniles observe this as a childbehaviour as children, and they treat this as an option for life or survivelater in life or for survival.
In addition
, teenagers often feel rebellion. They want to oppose the system and feel different from otherone other. That is why they choose this direction. The environmentinfluence of friends makes it much easier, and especially the influence of social media, where communications between people are facilitated. The Internet is a place that can encourage others to step onjourney down the path of crime.
sum upsummarize, the most common causescause of rising crime is social media, where we see crime on a daily basis and in our environment.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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