Dear Sirs:

Mr. Ahmad Mohammad Ajaj asked me for a testimonial of merit, and I readily
complycomplied with his request.

I understand that he
applies for the candidacyis applying for a master's degree, and it is a pleasant duty on my part to support him in his quest for knowledge.

I have known Mr. Ahmad Mohammad Ajaj since 2018 when he was a second-year student in my class.

He was always well-prepared and fully engaged in lectures and discussions, which were natural results of his love for Industrial Automation in general
, and. He did well as a hard-working student.

Besides, he was also among the few students willing to speak and participate in class.

Mr. Ahmad Mohammad Ajaj is warm, social, active, and highly motivated.

He is an assiduous reader, keen listener, and observer.

Thereupon, Mr. Ahmad Mohammad Ajaj
Academicacademic performance augurs well for the future, there isthus I have every reason to believe that his application should meetbe met with approval, he. He will make a good onimpression with my recommendation.

Yours Sincerely,

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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