Table 5.2 shows the gender differences, as %55.22 of the respondents are male and %44.78 are female. In terms of age, it can be noted that age groups (36-40) and (41-45) are higher represented in the study. In terms of education level, more than fifty per cent of respondents are master's degree holders. As in the Kurdistan Region, a master's degree holder is employed to be a lecturer in the university. Only 29 of the respondents have a High DiplomeDiploma degree. Most of the respondents were from Erbil because this city is more extensive and involves six universities. It can be seen that only 49 participants are from Dohok. That is due to the size of the city.
Regarding the type of university, two-thirds of the respondents work
inat the public university because a large number of the lecturers are employed by the government, as shown previously in table 1.1. Also, more than %80 of respondents have full-time contracts. In terms of Academicacademic ranking, around %80 of respondents are assistant lecturers or lecturers. Most of the participants are young, as it is expected that their academic order would not exceed that of a professor. becauseBecause the Kurdistan Region havehas limited expertise and professors, only 25 of 393 participants are a professorprofessors.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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