The instant Application being no-T.S No.54 of 2021 has been filed by one Koushik Bandapadhaya & Others on the ground to grant decree in favour of petitioner over the land schedule described in the petition and demarcate the share of the petitioner. The land schedule is herein, in respect of 2.15 acres of L.R. Plot no.5357, 4.02 acres of L.R. Plot.5357/5522, and 0.23 acres of L.R. Plot.5357/5539 (corresponding RS Plots are same) of Mouza- Sihar, JL no-157, Block-Kotulpur, Bankura.

On scrutiny of relevant record-of-rights, from the R.S. Khatian no.1013, it appears that it has been recorded in favour of Swami Sankarananda Maharaj, President, Belur Math having full share over the plot no-5357 having an area of 2.15 acres. And other plots no-5357/5522 and 5357/5539 have been recorded in favour of Gostabihari Bandadhayay, S/O-Haridas having area 2.01 and 0.11 acres in
khatianKhatian no-1483 (RS), Surabala Debi, W/O- Banowari Bandadhayay having share 2.01 and 0.12 acres in khatianKhatian no-1654 (RS).

Now, on scrutiny of L.R. records, it is found that Plot no-5357 having an area of 4.58 acres has been recorded in favour of President Belur Ramkrishna Mission, and plot no-
5357/5522 having area 4.94 is depicted in the current LR record in the name of 13 persons (copy enclosed).

The applicant has alleged that the record was framed erroneously in the LR operation, but they didn’t
praypay to correct thethat as their desire at the time of LR operation. Now, the Mouza was finally published u/s 51A (2), WBLR Act, 1955 which is deemed to be correct.

The plot
no’s arenumbers as mentioned in the petition are recorded in different names and the applicant has prayedpaid the property for record correction in favour of their name on what basis, it is not clear.

There is no Govt. interest in this case.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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