I do not wish this pain on enyone notanyone—not my enemies, not even the ones responsible for the cruel injustice. "Father forgive them, for they know not what they do.". I wish I had advice or positive words that could help, but I don't. Missing your babies, having them torn away from you, knowing your children miss you and don't understand , and not being able to explain or comfort them is .......
I'm sorry
yally'all are going thruthrough this...... If there is a way to .....May, may we please find it because eaverydayevery day, our hearts cravescrave the touch and sound of our child eaverryday tomorrowchildren. Tomorrow is totoo long to wait. Let us bow our heads let usand pray. I don't care what enyoneanyone says; this is not ok wereOK; we're not okOK. .I haven't seen my babies in 500 days.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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