About Us

Clean up s.r.o. is a Czech family company operating in the field of textile services for companies and the public for almost 20 years.

We have
an individual approach to each order, according to the material composition, recommended technological procedures for the maintenance of washing and the form of contamination with internal directives and standards of generally applicable laws.
Used laundry and auxiliary detergents (washing powders) are dosed automatically
, and the whole process is regularly checked by the service technician of the detergent (washing powder) supplier. andAnd the quality of the washed textiles is verified by the Textile Testing Institute in Brno. For medical and food textiles, washing of bioindicators is performed periodically to verify the disinfection of the washing process.
Our service also includes marking and registration of processed textiles. After the final treatment in the drying or ironing line, we pack the orders into foils according to the customer´s requirements.

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