Hi, I’m Fatimah. I will tooktalk about my day . First, lI get up early every day, a 6at six, then take a shower and pray. After that, lI make coffee and breakfast. When I finish all this, all lI get ready to go to university. I have English class start from 8eight until 1 one. After that, lI go home and make the lunch . I wash dishes and clean my house. At 4 p.m., lI play with my baby. , lI read some stories, then lI make popcorn and green teetea to watch my favourite series. At 9 p.m., lI do yoga and pilates exercisePilates exercises, then l doI make dinner . At 11 p.m., lI go to sleep .
The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.
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