Please review, revise, and elaborate in detailsdetail the answer to the questionQuestion 1: Question 1. II note the Minister did/is doing the opening speech. The Secretary for Health is also present, and the DRP was not briefed appropriately. Was Shadrack’s office informed of this, since it is standard practice to inform the Rep’s office of high-level visits/participation in our programmes.programmes? Answer 1.: The initial plan was to have the review with only district officials (DHSS and DEHOs) with National level staff without the Minister. The agenda was drawn in such a way and the final agenda was sent to us onat the last minute, where we saw the name of the Honorable Minister without even the confirmation of her presence. As the Hon Minister's availability was confirmed before and not planned in the Rep's calendar, Itit was difficult to ask the Chief to arrange for Repthe Rep's presence because of the short time notice and absence of the confirmation from the organizers. Yes, we do agree, it was an oversight from our end, by not informing the Dep Rep , although it would have been difficult for the Dep repRep to join at the last movementmoment.

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