The word philosophy is considered valuable in our society for those who describdescribe the part of people’s identity.
Philosophy comes from Greek
word, "Philos", and "Sofia", andwhich means love of wisdom.
We use the word philosophy to express our own thoughts and feelings. In the following text, I will describe a kind of philosophy that I think suits my
own personal philosophical position.

Philosophy is a topic that is divided into several main categories that describe human personality
, andfor example- optimism is an example. Optimism describes thea personality thattype that is positively set, andessentially someone who looks at life in different ways. To; but they enjoy life and see life generally in bright and happy colors. Regardless of adversitiesthe challenges that they face, they see the positive side of all things as well as the benefitsand beneficial aspects of a particular situation, as. For example, they realize that the bad period they may be in which can seem like forever, will not truly be forever. OptimismOptimistic people always relies on itselfthemselves, and hasthey have the ability to influence their own lives, for they never give up and will always fight for happiness. As a result, they laugh more often, you do not complainless complaining, and they will have more friends andbecause they are more happy with life.
My personality strongly suggests that I
haveapproach everything with a positive attitude, for I always lookinglook at things from their advantagesthe advantageous point of view. In addition, I am always trying to turn thea negative tointo a positive. I'm always happy with what I have and I'm convinced that thehaving a negative mindmindset will never give me a positive outlook on life or allow to live a full life. Therefore, I thinkfeel that optimism describes memy philosophical approach to life.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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