As Salaamu Alaikum wa Rahmatulaahi wa Barakaatuh,

brothersBrothers and sistersSisters,

One of our beloved
brotherbrothers is studying at university in a Muslim land. He is atin his second semester/level in a four yearsfour-year program. The entire studiestudy program feesfee is about $5 000. He already managed to pay $2 500 for starting the program, and now he has to pay the remaining fees…fees. Unfortunately, he don'tdoesn't have the means to pay it, as he don'tdoesn't have a job in there, he. He is surviving with less than $100 a month which he useduses for his food, utilities and utility bills, whatbut it is also not always enough for him. The school has allowed him to start the second level of the program, but they have told him to make the remaining payment of $2500 before juneJune 5th, 2021 ! otherwiseOtherwise, he will not be able to writesit the exams and his program will be cancel..cancelled. He solicitessolicits your help for any support from all of you.

AllaahAllah The Most High reward you all abundantly with good in here and here after !

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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