To my dearest netraNetra,

I’m so
greatfulgrateful to be able to call you my friend! And elated toI wish you, a very happy birthday on this day, may you have all the joy that you desire and the fulfilment ofmay all the dreams you envision come true. You are one of those friends who you don’t meet that often but ourwhose soul connectsis connected to yours. We understand each other, and we respect and value our friendship. What I like about you the most is you’re a brilliant mom to your kids, and a good daughter to your parents, and the best part is you manage and balance the family so well, - I adore that about you. You’re one of those women who is strong and compassionate the, one who can fight to overcome any obstacle and make everyone proud.

And remember
, I always got your back,. I'd do anything for you.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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